Friday, September 5, 2008

Bujang kembali..

We sent Rayyan and my mom back to KB last weekend. Huhuhu.. Berat hati nak balik.. Berat hati nak tinggal Rayyan kat sana.. On the day that we want to go back to KL, Rayyan starting to talk to me.. (Normally he only talk and laugh to his ayah n nenek)..

(Mind the mama's voice - bila cakap dgn baby kena ala2 husky sket.. Kembang Kuncup idung Rayyan! Heheheh)

Bila dah sampai KL, malam tu bila tanya mummy Rayyan camne, mummy cakap, by pukul 7pm, Rayyan starts nangis (time kitorang balik keje..). So my abah suh letak kain yang ada my bau untuk Rayyan. Terus dia diam. Huhuhu.. Looks like a baby is missing his mother.. Huhuhu.. Bila saya dengar, meleleh jap la air mata..

So this raya, i'll be in KB till raya ke3 shj.. after that, blk Rawang plak.. N will be staying there plak.. My PIL will take care of Rayyan.

The nite before we went back to KL, I was showing some of Rayyan's old photos to my sister i.e. before n after operation. Then she kept saying, "Kesian kat baby.. Kesian kat baby..". Then I asked her, "Sayang tak kat Rayyan? Dulu kak takut takde orang sayang kat Rayyan." She replied, "Oloh, tanyo gituh! Dio bukey nyo cacat. Kalu ore cacat lagi kito saye, ni pulok daroh daging sdr..". Ada rasa lega. Ada rasa bahagia.

And abah, I think he's quite excited of having a baby around. Kalau Rayyan tido lama sket, mesti nampak bosan coz xleh nak main (my sister told me this!). And he also bought Rayyan a cradle. Mahal gak benda nih campur dgn kain net n mattress for the cradle. Tambah plak dgn mosquito net (pelik, buai pun ade kelambu ke??).

Xde gambar yang covered with kelambu la.. Kalau dh ada, i'll post it.

P/s - Cant wait to go back to KB tonite!! Saya bujang kembali. Sape2 nk ajak bukak pose sama2, JOMMM!!! But not on weekend, nk blk tgk anak..


Anonymous said...

Dah tembam pipi Ian!

Anonymous said...

Sejuk hati tengok baby senyum..