Sunday, December 3, 2017

Cerita cinta baru~

Daripada hari terakhir bekerja di Suruhanjaya Sekuriti Malaysia sehingga ke tarikh ini, sudah 5 bulan setengah saya bekerja sendiri. Masa terbahagi untuk keluarga semestinya, dan seterusnya perniagaan dan juga perjalanan menjadi seorang craniosacral therapist. Sebenarnya untuk saya, bekerja sendiri ni seronok sangat berbanding kerja makan gaji dulu. Satu, semestinya kerana fleksibiliti masa. Yang keduanya, kita answerable pada diri kita sendiri. Takde keperluan hantar report seperti dulu-dulu. Takde keperluan outstation wajib yang perlu dipenuhi. Semuanya ikut perancangan sendiri. Perlu pergi, pergi. Tak perlu, tak payah. Ini kalau bos yang suruh, berani ke nak jawab taknak? Hehek.

Yang paling best, I am enjoying what I am doing to the fullest. Dulu bukan tak enjoy.. Suka jugak. Tapi bidang sekarang lebih dekat di hati.

Bidang jual minyak pati dekat di hati? Hahaha. Taklah.

Bidang menyebarkan ilmu dan berkongsi kebaikan tentang sesuatu kepada umum dalam usaha bersama mencari better health and better living. Itu bidangnya. 

Busy tu busy jugak. Especially weekend. Sebab weekend lah masa untuk buat kelas dan sharing sessions. Hari biasa, orang kerja kan.. Kita pun kerja jugak sebenarnya pada hri biasa. Mengisahkan order orang, melayan whatsapp pertanyaan, dah macam counter dah pun.. Mengisahkan administrative works yang kita kena tlg members bawah kita, escalate pada management Young Living Malaysia, attending classes dan sebagainya. Jumpa client is another aspect of kerja jugak. Best eh? Kalau yang suka, sukalah. Yang tak suka, tak sukalah. Hehek.

Kelas pada hari Sabtu dan Ahad minggu lepas di Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Kelas Raindrop Technique (sejenis teknik menggunakan essential oils untuk kesihatan menyeluruh) dan kelas Growing a Business with Young Living Essential Oils. 

Kelas apa pulak dengan periuk kecik ni bagai? Kelas DIY product with Essential Oils di Gopeng, Perak. Saya mulakan dengan kelas asas pendedahan mengenai essential oils dan seterusnya kelas DIY. Make and Take - Vapor Rub, Deodorant, Tantrum Tamer Balm, Delicate Skin Balm dan Happy Tummy Balm. Best nya buat balm sendiri ni, kita tau apa ingredient yang ada, pakai natural sources dan dapat pula khasiat Essential Oils. Best kan? 

Macam deodorant contohnya, saya suka letakkan Tea Tree Essential Oils (bagus untuk bunuh kuman, cik keti kita kan terkepit begitu) dan Lime Essential Oils (orang tua-tua kan recommend tenyeh keti dgn asam limau nak kasi putih, takde bau dan sebagainya), so kita pilih yang ni. Untuk yang suka bau-bau manis, boleh letak Geranium Essential Oils dan jugak Lavender Essential Oils. Fuhhhh, ubat ketiak ikut pilihan jiwa, rasa Dato Sri Vida sangat pakai product sendiri. Ekekeke. Tu tak masuk lagi DIY sunscreen untuk anakanda sendiri, pakai before pergi swimming class. Hehek.

Sharing session on Essential Oils 101 dengan team LHDN Teluk Intan. Kalau ada lagi mana-mana jabatan nak jemput, marilah. Eh, ter promote diri. 

Bukan setakat kelas biasa, kelas online pun ada jugak saya buat. Gila? Taklah. Ini namanya live your passion! Muahahahha. 

Raindrop Technique class - RDT ni powerful teknik yang menggabungkan aromaterapi dan vitaflex menggunakan Essential Oils. Dengan teknik ni, boleh bring balance and harmonize badan kita di samping boleh bantu detoks, improved body health dan banyak lagi. Paling best, stretching the spine through non-manipulative technique, boleh increase ketinggian weh. Tengok tu before n after punya ukuran some of the particpants. Disebabkan saya buat kat rumah aje, saya cuma boleh accomodate 10 students sahaja at one go. Kan saya ada satu bilik yg dedicated as my office, my sharing session space dan juga my therapy room. Senang takyah keluar rumah. 

Bila buat kerja dari rumah ni, antara yang paling best adalah we can be as involved as possible dengan anak-anak kita. Ni sambil perform Raindrop Technique on the father yang mengadu sakit pinggang, boleh pantau anak membaca and buat latihan. Best eh??

So Jiey, dok pungpangpungpang mengajar sana sini, buat kelas dan sebagainya, ko sendiri daripada mana plak belajar?

Daripada mana-mana sahaja. Events held by Young Living dengan speakers yang hebat, books and of course, from attending classes. 

Budak Finance belajar kimia.. Muahahhaha. Pengsan tak? Mujur tak tido masa kelas. Minat punya pasal ehhh? Hydrocarbon lah, AMU of atomic and molecular weight lah, ntahpapa lagi. Hehek.  

Craniosacral Therapy Course by Body Intelligence US

Sejenis pengumpul sijil? Taklah. Saya suka pergi kelas. Saya suka ilmu yang boleh membantu saya untuk anak-anak saya terutamanya Rayyan Ariff, dan juga ilmu yang boleh saya kembangkan kepada mereka yang senasib.

Rhythmic Movements Training by Rhythmic Movements Training International, Texas
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy by Body Intelligence US
Braingym Practitioner by Educational Kinesiology Foundation, California
Sensory Integration - Tactile System Massage Therapy by Therapies R Us, Singapore
Lymphatic Drainage Therapy by Therapies R Us, Singapore
Raindrop Technique by Center of Aromatherapy, Research and Education, Missouri 
Emotional Release Technique by Center of Aromatherapy, Research and Education, Missouri
Applied Vitaflex Technique by Center of Aromatherapy, Research and Education, Missouri
Chemistry of Essential Oils by Center of Aromatherapy, Research and Education, Missouri
Aromalift Therapist Course by Ecole de Un mot doux

Kenapa rajin? Untuk keluarga sendiri dah tentulah. Especially Rayyan Ariff. Lain? 

Entah la, as a leader for my team in Young Living, terasa sangatlah perlu untuk ada ilmu walaupun tak banyak. Personally, saya berpendapat ilmulah membezakan leader dan follower. Dan saya juga suka ahli-ahli di bawah saya gali banyak ilmu. Mungkin itulah sebabnya saya suka belajar dan mengajar pelbagai modalities untuk holistic healings, tidak tertakluk pada Essential Oils semata. Semoga istiqamah. InShaAllah. 

Interested to know more about Young Living? Do reach us via any of the following:
Whatsapp : (Just a click away)
FB : Jiey Wan Aziz
IG : wanjieyaziz

Interested to sign up as a Young Living member? 
Just click and fill up the details. Let us guide you with your oils and any inquiries that you may have!

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Young Living Road2Success Taiwan Challenge

Alhamdulillah, we are among the selected members to win a spot in Young Living Road2Success Challenge, of which, we got a paid trip to Taiwan from 2-5 Nov 2017.

On 2nd Nov, as early as 430am, we were already at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport as our flight was scheduled at 7am. We reached Taipei around 1pm and were straight brought to a Halal Thai Restaurant. The food was just great. Sedap sangat.. Tatau lah sebab lapar ke apa. Hehek 

Next, we were brought to Young Living Taiwan Office. And we got to buy Hong Kuai Essential Oils here (superb to keep not just the special needs grounded, dengan mak-mak skali boleh pakai to keep ourselves grounded dan tidaklah menaga semenjang!). 

After that, we checked in at Grand Hyatt Taipei. Best eh? Dapat duduk at 5 stars hotel. Ingatkan dh tak kerja, takde mana lah chance nk stay free lagi. Tp Alhamdulillah rezeki ada je lagi..

Malamnya, dinner at Fullon Hotel and we were brought to Shinling, one of Taiwan’s famous night market. Kat Taiwan ni memang terkenal dengan night market. Tapi kat sini, so-so aje. Petaling Street kita lagi best. Hehehe.

The next morning, kami di bawa ke Young Living Taiwan sekali lagi for its first anniversary event. 

Belum habis event, by 3pm macam tu, kami submit order then ramai2 semua keluar pergi jalan-jalan. First sekali, menapak ke Taipei 101. Dekat aje dengan Convention Centre, where the event was held. 

View daripada tingkat 89 dan 91 bangunan Taipei 101. Dia lebih kurang Menara KL lah, ada observatory deck. Nak naik tu kena bayar around RM85 per pax. Turun from Observatory, terus pekena MangoChaCha. Okay sedap. Orang yang tak berapa suka manis cam akak ni pun bleh makan beria dik oiii. 

Daripada situ, kami naik MRT ke Ximending Shopping District. Okay kat sini memang best sket. Kedai memang banyaklah. H&M, Puma, Nike, Adidas etc. Harga deme lagi murah drpd kat KL, sbb barang kan banyak “made from Taiwan”. Sempatlah borong t-shirt yg jatuh around RM16 per piece untuk anak dara kami.

Orang tu beli kasut Puma kat KLCC RM349.90. Sampai sini kasut Puma yg sama sebijik sejibun adalah RM265. Hehek. Tu selipar dia beli tu RM65. Beli kasut pastu sakit kaki, sudahnya beli selipar jugak.

Balik terus tidur kepenatan.

Esoknya, kami dibawa ke perkampungan lama di utara Taipei, Jiufen. Juifen pada mulanya hanya didiami oleh 9 keluarga. Dan bekas kawasan perlombongan emas. Tarikan utamanya adalah pemandangan cantik menghadap lautan pasifik dan juga kedai-kedai yang menjual makanan, teh dan pelbagai cenderamata. 

Setibanya kami di sana, sejuk bercampur angin kuat. Patutlah semalam travel agent pesan, bawak payung, pakai jacket. Pergi Utah pun tak pakai glove, tapi kat sini kalah teruk. Lol.

Daripada Jiufen, kami dibawa makan tengahari di Yunus Halal Restaurant di Taipei. Sesudahnya, berhenti sekejap di National Dr Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall untuk group photo.

Seterusnya kami ke Vigor Kobo Pineapple Tart Factory. Kat sini merasalah buat tart nenas versi Taiwan. Sedaplah jugak. Yang penting, deme ada sijil Halal.

Habis sesi kat Vigor Kobo, balik ke hotel. Sesi free and easy sementara nak balik esoknya. Akak terus mengemas bila dh smpi hotel, while husband ada kat Young Living Taiwan collect order yang dropped semalam. 

Then malamnya, ke Tajin Moroccan Cuisine, one of our team member belanja her leaders makan-makan. Terima kasih Kak Yong. Dah tu balik ke bilik, tido. Teammates yang lain berkumpul dekat bilik out Crown Diamond leader for a class. Tak terdaya akak nak pergi, ditambah mengurut suami yang kaki cramp sebab banyak jalan, pakai Young Living Ortho Sport Massage Oils. Pergh sedap berasap!

Bergambar sekitar hotel. 

Esoknya, jom pulang ke pangkal jalan. Eh ke pangkuan keluarga. Anak-anak pun dah merindu especially si abang tu. The first 2 nights, nangis dia.. Kesian anak mama. Trip hectic gini, not suitable for you lah anak. Takut kamu tak tahan, dengan cuaca sejuknya.

Sempat berkelah di airport – Sambal ikan bilis garing,rendang daging, ayam goreng kunyit, nasi impit. Malatop!

All in all, it was indeed a fun trip!

Thank you Young Living Malaysia. 

Interested to become a part of my fast growing team that has close to 14,000 members? Living a life of abundance and health, and the best part is, you got paid by helping others as well! How cool is that? 

Whatsapp me at 0172742005

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Young Living Essential Oils for the whole family!

Looking for something natural for your house and been hearing about Essential Oils?

Essential Oils were very alien to us when we first heard about it more than 3 years ago. Little that we know, they have been around for thousands of years!

We began our journey with Young Living Essential Oils in May 2014 and just couldn’t live without it ever since. When we first started, we were as much sceptical as any other person could be. How can something so tiny be so expensive and people are actually buying it and getting themselves addicted to it? To kill our curiosity, we did what others also do, turned to Google for information. It was mind blowing to note that back in thousands of years ago, people actually use it in spiritual and physical healings. How cool is that?

Soon after, we started using the oils on our kids, one of them having special needs that is, cerebral palsy. The kiasu mommy mode: always tried something good and expensive onto their children. Lol. Fast forward to 3 years later, we are super happy that we actually got ourselves into this oily journey. Now, the whole family are just addicted to it. We are essential oils addicts!

Essential oils work superb with our bodies, offering a variety of benefits from cosmetic and dietary purposes to spiritual and religious use. Extracted through careful steam distillation, resin tapping, and cold pressing, the purest essential oils are far more powerful than the botanicals from which they come.

You can buy Essential Oils at many places, but Young Living is the World Leader in Essential Oils. Young Living offers therapeutic-grade oils for your natural lifestyle. Once you hold a bottle of Young Living’s powerful essential oils, you hold nature's pure essence.

And when we first started, we had a great support (still getting it) from our oily community/oily group. In the group, everyone is just so passionate to share each other’s knowledge about Essential Oils on the best way to use it, where to use it, when to use it and so on so forth (YOU CAN BE PART OF THE GROUP TOO!). Oh we have classes too, be it online and also hands on.

We use the Essential Oils daily in so many ways:-
-       *Lavender is so versatile that we use it in our skin care products up to our relaxing routines. Try diffuse it by your bed at night before you go to sleep, you will be surprised to note how relaxing the aroma can be!
-       *Peppermint, oohh the strong refreshing minty aroma invigorates mind and senses! Apply it on your skin, it creates a cool tingling sensation making it just great for sport massage! Mommies, just imagine the sensation that you can get after that long tiring day from Peppermint EO!
-       *Frankincense, we use on our kids, on our skin and just everywhere. This ancient oil can help to elevate spiritual experiences and can also maintain radiant skin.
-       *Panaway, the cooling sensation upon topical application of it on tired muscles, can really sooth you up!
-      Brain Power, we use it on our kids before they go to school and on ourselves too, to promote a sense of clarity and increase focus.

Essential oils are more than nice scents, these powerful plant extracts have been our path to the lifelong wellness and it can be yours too.

Not just from a user aspect, from the business opportunity aspect that Young Living offers too. We are thankful that ever since we started building up our oily business, we are now able to work from home, be near with our kids throughout the day and bid farewell to the madness of morning traffics to work as well. Thank God for that.

Interested to know more about Young Living? Do reach us via
Whatsapp : (Just a click away)

Interested to sign up as a Young Living member? Just click and fill up the details. Let us guide you with your oils and any enquiries that you may have!

*These oils can be obtained by pirchasing this Premium Starter Kit at RM756 and it comes with free membership. There are 13 oils and a diffuser, 2 sachet of Ningxia (wolfberry juice), sample packet oils, sample bottle, roller cap, thumb drive with product info. Should you wish to buy the 13 oils plus the diffuser individually, it will cost you RM1200. So at RM756, it is such a great deal right? 

Monday, September 18, 2017

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy

Since March 2017, saya adalah student kursus Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, drpd Body Intelligence Training

Apa itu BCST? Ni saya explain dalam bahasa paling mudah, bahasa pasar. Cranio ni dia promote self healing. Cranio percaya yg badan ada self healing ability, macam luka kena pisau ke, dia boleh sembuh sendiri. Tapi kadang-kadang, trauma/kecederaan tu terlampau hebat dan tak dapat badan nak heal sendiri. Therapist pulak act as "listener", untuk dengar/rasa keperluan badan melalui SENTUHAN LEMBUT atau pun light touch, dan encourage healing untuk berlaku. Susah ke belajar Cranio? Susah jugak pada saya. Kerja sekolah pun banyak. Perlu badan untuk practice lagi for students like me. Kenapa capital letters sentuhan lembut tu? Hahaha jenuh nak explain yang saya tak mengurut. 

And BCST ni takde kena mengena dengan essential oils. It is a modality on its own. 

When I did BSCT on my practice clients, of course la ada yang tak rasa, ada yg rasa. Student kan, belum lah level therapist. But Alhamdulillah, about 70% bagi good feedbacks.

Those early days, most of my practice clients ended up terlena siap pakej berdengkur. Most of them. So I went back to my tutor, asking whether I did something that is influencing their system tu yang ramai ended up package snoring and better sleep quality bagai.

The tutor replied that most of us are tired, stillness and state of balance awareness yang kita practice when we were doing on our clients can be pretty calming and invite resting to take place. So memang okay aje org tertidur and berdengkur coz body can find healing through good rest.

Yang later punya practice sessions, most of my clients ended up with jerking movements. As much as I am aware that jerking can be equivalent to some adjustments n fixing are taking place, tapi pelik la jugak kenapa almost 70% of them yg macam tu. Again terfikir, as a practioner, did I do something yg influenced clients' system ke? Kalau satu takpe la, ni ramai. Dah tu, takkan semua org ada pretty similar issues. Pelik. Pelik.

Tanya lagi tutor, and she replied, bila jerking movements happened, the body is starting to release and finding reliefs. After the jerkings, later akan jadi more settle kan? Could also be that now your relational field is getting bigger and better, so you can initiate more relieving things to come in.

Okay this is exciting to hear. Even though before ni rasa at the verge of quitting sebab rasa susah nak proceed, now rasa semangat and tak sabar to explore more. Oh I'm just more in love with biodynamic craniosacral therapy. Try it if you havent peeps!

This sem, focus is on bone, esp pelvis. Altogether ada 10 Sem and I just finished Sem 4 semalam Really had fun and I do have firmer belief of BCST works as time goes by. At the beginning of hearing about the modality, I always thought that it is very much of a con job 😂😂Now I have very much respect towards the work. It's not an easy one, but it is definitely very beautiful!

So now, back to writings, lots and lots of readings, drawings and more practice sessions. We have to complete the homestudies in 1 and a half month (2 weeks before the next Sem starts). 

Kaku tangan nak siapkan lukisan ni wehhh.. 

Budak Finance belajar anatomy badan. Huhuhu.. Nak menitik ayaq mata. Tapi now dh pandai dah sket, tau la mana zygomatic, sphenoid, suture, coccyx, apa ke benda ntah lagi. Hahahah.. 

Us at the end of Sem 4. 

It's a 2 years program. Harap2 dapat la grad on time and becoming a certified Craniosacral Therapist in 2019. Rayyan benefited a lot from the therapy, so mak dia pergi la belajar. Next, macam nak jd certified Aromatherapist la pulakkk.. 

Doakan sisthur! Jenuh belajar ni, otak agak keras sket. Hehek.