Wednesday, December 3, 2008

2 minutes..

Ini entry 2 minit. Pendek coz saya mengantuk. Just a lil update.. Officially, IAN SUDAH BOLEH MENIARAP.. Physio sudah dikurangkan ke once a month! Alhamdulillah..
Tp in 2 weeks time, sy terpaksa jgk gi PMC tiap2 mgg.. Bukan kerana physio, tp utk belajar massage for baby.. Sy tanya physiotherapist, "Macam Johnson & Johnson tu ke??" Dan dia balas, "Oh bukan, cara saya agak berlainan sedikit.." Macam mana?? Saya pn xtau.. Tgg la 2 mgg lagi..
In my next entry, i'll be talking bout separation anxiety & kelebihan merangkak utk bayi.. (Ini saya belajar dari physiotherapist tu la..) Dia sgt bagus, Suka berkongsi pengalaman.. Next time dia nk bgtau cara nk overcome separation anxiety plak..
Separation anxiety is a psychological condition in which an individual has excessive anxiety regarding separation from home or from people to whom the individual has a strong emotional attachment (like a father and mother) - Wikipedia.
Separation Anxiety Disorder should not be confused with Separation Anxiety, which occurs as "a normal stage of development for healthy, secure babies."[4] Separation anxiety occurs as babies begin to understand their own selfhood—or understand that they are a separate person from their primary caregiver. At the same time, the concept of object permanence emerges—which is when children learn that something still exists when it is not seen or heard. As babies begin to understand that they can be separated from their primary caregiver, they do not understand that their caregiver will return, nor do they have a concept of time. This, in turn, causes a normal and healthy anxious reaction. Separation anxiety typically onsets around 8 months of age and increases until 13-15 months, when it begins to decline[5].
P/s - Huish, rs cam dh sign up utk belajar mengurut plak. Dh la skrg ni org dok kecoh pasal urut online.. Hahhaha..

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