Thursday, June 3, 2010

What have I done that I deserves such a beautiful gift in my life?

Semalam, sebelum tidur saya sibuk melayan kerenah Rayyan Ariff. Terbuai dengan keletahnya, tiba-tiba sahaja saya terfikir, what have I done that I deserve such a beautiful gift in my life?

Looking at the sweetness of Rayyan Ariff's laugh..
The cuteness of his cheeky face..
The sincerity of his smile..
The littlest thing that he did..
Really makes me wonder..
Mungkin Allah SWT melihat kami dengan caraNya yang tersendiri sehinggakan kami diberikan peluang untuk menyaksikan keajaibanNya secara langsung..
On our own flesh and blood..
Right before our eyes..
Most importantly, He has chosen us to be a part of this miracle!
And we're truly thankful for this..

He still needs to improve on his hands' coordination.. But practice makes perfect, right? =)
*sila abaikan suara bibik n mama*

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