I've been thinking of writing this a long time ago.. But could not really find the time to do it!
Dear all, thanks for coming to visit the mother and the son. It’s very thotful of u guys to spend some of ur valuable time on us.. And thank you for all the lovely and useful gifts! I don't know whether i can remember everyone or not, but I'll try!! Ok, now, let the photos do the talking..

White Lily from Auntie Syeda (she's d 1st one who came to visit!); Flowers n fruits from colleagues at SC; Anakku hamper frm Uncle Azmie n frenz; Pureen hamper frm Auntie Lily n Uncle B; Tollijoy gift set frm Auntie Syila, Uncle Sham n Abg Iddin; Pureen gift set from Auntie Aida n Uncle Wan, Cussons hamper from Auntie Yanty n Partner; Adam's kids outfit from Auntie Sherie n Auntie Aida; Rompers n socks by MotherCare frm Auntie Sujatha n Auntie Sarina, and also, chocolate for the mother; Rompers, mitten n booties from Auntie Fiza for the baby and fish essence for the mother..
Anakku gift set from Auntie Linie, Uncle Man & Kak Syikin

Gifts from Ayah Long, T-shirt - This one is Rayyan's 1st present, my bro bought it when he went to Ausralia last Dec, a Clip Fan and a stroller by Sweet Cherry..

Pureen gift set from Auntie Aya n Uncle Din; Bebe's Natural gift set from Auntie Hasni; Anakku feeding set from Auntie Intan, Uncle Zam, Abg Adam n Sara
Aussino towels from Auntie E-wa..
A very cute playgym n book from Mak E!

Nanti Ian dah besar sket, mama pasang la.. Benda alah ni makan ruang.. Time kasih Mak E!

A very cute Pooh comforter set from Mama Biey
Byk yang xde dlm gambar actually, especially the angpows.. Heheheh.. (Jgn risau.. Kami dh bukak acc utk Rayyan). Dan juga brg2 makan - Chinese herbs, chinese dates and fish essence for the mother from Che Nie.. Fish Essence from Uncle Jea, Hamper from Auntie Ninie and family (by the time I got home from hospital, dh berterabur kena bukak.. x sempat nk amik gambar.. hehhehe).. And many more (sorry kalau x sumer masuk kat sini..).
Special kisses of thank you to Mama's family n ayah's family (basically, there are your family too Rayyan!), Paksu, Maksu, Ma, Ayah Lah & family, Mek & family, Auntie Aween, Auntie Nasha, Auntie Mazlin, Auntie Liz, Auntie Jel, Auntie Niza, Auntie Kavi, Auntie Seetha, Auntie Emey, Auntie Ajah, Dr.Raman (u r like a father to me!), Dr.Wong, Dr.Yong, Dr. Amar, Dr.Sham, Auntie Rot, Auntie Yantie, Auntie Sah, Ayah's collegues at AmInvest e.g. Auntie Kharsiah, Auntie Izawati, Auntie Mazidah, Auntie Zaidah and many others yang mama xtau n x ingt! So so sorry if I miss out some names here. And thank you all for the SMSes and good wishes thru fs messages (you know who you are!)..
The list keeps on growing. The word 'thank you' will never be enough I guess. Actually, gift is not everything.. the thot tht counts.. But I do admit that all the gifts are really useful becoz when Rayyan was born, the things that we bought for him are not much. (Smpi tergesa2 gi cari brg ms Rayyan nk blk). Not like other babies i suppose. Rasanya semua org bila nk sambut orang baru memang gile2 membeli, especially ank sulung.. But not in Rayyan's case.. What happened actually? Hmmm.. I'm not brave enough to tell everyone what had happened, I'm not like Mar Munaw (thanks to you too Mar!) who had been so strong all this while and willing to share her story with the world. But i've promised myself to tell the whole story here after Rayyan's 1st birthday. (A long way to go huh?)
Dear Biey, E, Fad, Intan, Lily, Sye, and Aween.. Thank you for being my shoulder to cry on.. U guys had given a great meaning to the word 'friendship'! Ninie, terima kasih kerana mengambil berat, selalu bertanya khabar n menjadi pembaca setia my previous blog.
To Kak Nie n Kak Wa, although you guys will never read this, thank you for being a big sister to me. I will always remember what you have done for me. If by any chance you guys find this blog, I just want you guys to know how much I appreciate your kindness and I truly luv u guys! I dont have a sister but it's not a big loss at all because I have cousins that are more to a sister.. *hugs*
Lastly, to my mom.. For patiently going thru d hrdship wth me and to Abah, Abe, Jek, Nuyu! Mmuahs1000x.. Thnks to my PIL too!

Rayyan is sleeping soundly in his bed. On top of his head, is a pillow yang Auntie Ya kait khas utk Rayyan. Got Rayyan's birth date summore - 12 May 2008.