Friday, October 24, 2008

Being happy..

Someone told me this;
"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect. It means you decide to see beyond the imperfections."
I don't know where did that 'someone' get this quote.. But it's surely useful to show the definition of "being happy".. After all, perfect is subjective.. My definition of perfection could still be imperfection to you (vice versa)..
So, at this end, I chose, TO BE HAPPY.. I'm happy indeed.. Can't wait for a better life in the near future..
P/s - What's your choice??

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

More toys

My big boy is showing interest in toys.. So, we need to get him more things to play with i.e. more toys..

So cute, huh??

P/s - Got list of things that mama really really want.. (Errr.. mama wants it for Rayyan, ehhehehhe..).. Tp all of it is a bit pricey!! Huhuhu.. Camne nih??

Bila manusia berbicara..

Kita selalu Bertanya... dan Al-Quran sudah lama menjawabnya...


QURAN MENJAWAB 'Apakah manusia itu mengira bahawa mereka dibiarkan saja mengatakan; 'Kami telah beriman,' ('I am full of faith to Allah') sedangkan mereka tidak diuji? Dan sesungguhnya Kami telah menguji org2 yg sebelum mereka, maka sesungguhnya Allah mengetahui org2 yg benar dan, sesungguhnya Dia mengetahui org2 yg dusta.'
-Surah Al-Ankabut ayat 2-3


QURAN MENJAWAB 'Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesua tu padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi pula kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu, Allah mengetahui sedang kamu tidak mengetahui.'
- Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 216


QURAN MENJAWAB 'Allah tidak membebani seseorang itu melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya.'
- Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 286


QURAN MENJAWAB 'Jgnlah kamu bersikap lemah, dan jgnlah pula kamu bersedih hati, padahal kamulah org2 yg paling tinggi darjatnya, jika kamu org2 yg beriman.'
- Surah Al-Imran ayat 139


QURAN MENJAWAB 'Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Bersabarlah kamu (menghadapi segala kesukaran dalam mengerjakan perkara-perkara yang berkebajikan), dan kuatkanlah kesabaran kamu lebih daripada kesabaran musuh, di medan perjuangan), dan bersedialah (dengan kekuatan pertahanan di daerah-daerah sempadan) serta bertaqwalah (be fearfull of Allah The Almighty) kamu kepada Allah supaya, kamu berjaya (mencapai kemenangan).'


QURAN MENJAWAB 'Dan mintalah pertolongan (kepada Allah) dengan jalan sabar dan mengerjakan sembahyang; dan sesungguhnya sembahyang itu amatlah berat kecuali kepada orang-orang yang khusyuk'
- Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 45


QURAN MENJAWAB 'Sesungguhnya Allah telah membeli dari org2 mu'min, diri, harta mereka dengan memberikan syurga utk mereka... ?
- Surah At-Taubah ayat 111


QURAN MENJAWAB 'Cukuplah Allah bagiku, tidak ada Tuhan selain dari Nya. Hanya kepadaNya aku bertawakkal.'
- Surah At-Taubah ayat 129


QURAN MENJAWAB '... ..dan jgnlah kamu berputus asa dr rahmat Allah. Sesungguhnya tiada berputus asa dr rahmat Allah melainkan kaum yg kafir.'
- Surah Yusuf ayat 12

P/s - I'm thinking of going private.. 2 of my frens pn dh mem'private'kan blog mereka.. I guess, I'll be more comfortable to write if it's not 'too open'.. Cari definisi, kenapa anda menulis?? Last time, because I was thinking of sharing thoughts n stories with my friends.. Now, it's more bout me.. If I'm doing this for myself, utk melepaskan rasa terbuku di hati, might as well I choose private mode,kan? Kan? Kan?

Monday, October 20, 2008

Putus seribu cinta..

Ada teman menzahirkan,
Betapa perit melalui waktu
Pabila cinta yang disulam tidak kesampaian..

Lantas kunyatakan padanya,
Aku akan menjadi bahunya..
Malah sanggup menjadi dinding..
Untuk dia bersandar..

Dan kukatakan lagi..
Teman, aku tidak tahu bagaimana
Peritnya pabila putus sebuah cinta
Tapi aku sanggup,
Andai diberi pilihan
Walau putus 1000 cinta
Dari menghadapi apa yang aku hadapi sekarang..

Bukan tidak redha,
Bukan tidak kuat,
Kusyukuri nikmatNya
Hati hanya sekadar berbicara..
Andai aku diberi pilihan..

Friday, October 17, 2008

Raya gift

Looking at the title, I guess it sounds like Christmas already.. Hari raya ade gift ke? I don’t know bout others but I surely got the best gift ever! Syukur Alhamdulillah..

In my entry; “Hanya Seorang Ibu”, I mentioned that kami pernah dikhabarkan dgn satu lagi kemungkinan yang menakutkan, yang seterusnya membuat saya sekali lagi rasa terduga hingga sanggup mempertikaikan keputusan saya melahirkan Rayyan Ariff..

And now, saya menarik nafas lega dan bersujud syukur pada Allah yang maha esa. October 6, we brought Rayyan for a check up with his ophthalmologist. The doctor has confirmed that Rayyan can see!!

Yes friends, we have been told by the doc that Rayyan may not be able to see.. It was on the 4th of June that we were informed bout it. Rayyan’s paed called hubby after he was unable to get me. When hubby reached home, he was looking so sad. He doesn’t talk at all and he was mad at me for not answering Dr.Yong’s call. After a while, dgn rasa sebak yang mendalam, he told me what the doctor has told him. There’re tears in his eyes. “Abang baru ingat nak bawak Rayyan gi tengok football match..”

Since he’s not even a month old, doc said to give him some more time. Baby starts seeing and focusing at the age of 3 months, since he was born premature, they can only confirm when he’s 3 months old – not birth age, but corrected age.

So altogether, we have been waiting to know the answer for 5 months! But we always believe that he can see. When we talk to him, he’ll look at us and talk back. If we smile at him, he’ll smile back.. When we raised this thing up to the paed; Dr.Yong and Dr.Mazidah, they said, “Ooo.. Maybe he’s reacting to your voice.. Not really looking at your face.” “But doc, if we brought him from a dark room to a brighter place, he’ll surely blink. Silau. He also follow movements” Then the paed said again “Hmmm.. Maybe he can only react to lights and shadows.” This is among the line that was used to shut us up. But, whatever it is, we still believe in our little hero.

Sekarang, Alhamdulillah.. Serasa batu besar yang menghimpit dada ini sudah terlepas.. Dulu, setiap kali saya memangku Rayyan utk menyusukannya, dia akan mendongak dan melihat tepat ke anak mata saya. Dan setiap kali juga, saya akan mengalirkan air mata pabila menyaksikan mata jernih itu kerana tertanya-tanya, apa yang dilihatnya. Kini, terasa betapa berbaloinya air mata seorang ibu.

Dan semalam, we brought Rayyan for his monthly check-up with his paed. And again, we’re happy to know that Rayyan is healthy and he’s doing what other 3 months old baby is doing. Another concern is that, dia still x meniarap.. So, the paed taught me some exercise for him. But my MIL x brp suka if I do it. Katanya, lain budak, lain la caranya.. Ada yang 6 bulan baru meniarap.. Biar la.. Jgn preassure Rayyan sangat2.. Baik Bos!! (Sambil angkat tangan tabik..)

Sekrang ni, for Rayyan’s sake, kami berulang alik KL-Rawang tiap2 hari.. We’re staying at my PIL’s place coz they’re taking care of Rayyan.. Penat memang penat. 630am dh turun ok..

K la, that’s all for now.. Here is 1 photo that I managed to find that can be considered as a proof to show that Rayyan CAN SEE.. He's looking at his cousin..

P/s – Ni conversation I had with Alimin’s 2nd cousin. (He’s studying medic, his mom is one of the paed who examined Rayyan n dad is one of the gyne that I’ve consulted during my pregnancy..). This conversation took place ms kitorg gi raya umah dia kat KB, 1st day of raya..

Nik Ariff : Kak Jiey, Rayyan bleh tengok ke?
Me : Nape Nik Ariff tanya?
Nik Ariff : Tu dia tengok TV tu..
Me : Itu la pasal. Dh dia tengok tu, agak2nya, bleh la kot.. 6hb ni bleh confirm coz kitorg ade appoinment dgn ophthalmologist.
Nik Ariff : Hmm.. Pelik, tp Nik Ariff rasa, dia bleh tgk la.. Dia mesti la strong, coz nama dia pn ”Ariff” gak..
Me : InsyaAllah.. Nnt dia pun jd doktor cam Nik Ariff.. Heheheheh

Ada kawan yang mintak I share my experience pasal pregnancy, delivery and confinement.. I'm considering actually. Tp byk sedih dr happy, so ala-ala malas sket.. Tgk la camne..

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Raya pertama di dunia

Salam Aidilfitri to all..
Dulu berdua, sekarang bertiga..
Tentu sekali lebih meriah, Lebih bermakna..
Terima kasih tuhan..
Atuk is holding a sleeping baby..

His nenek sedara is giving duit raya to him..
Rayyan's babling. He was a bit cranky coz he doesnt get enough sleep. Those who know his story, insist to have a look at the miracle baby.. - to me, it's more like want to know whether his ok or not. Seeing is believing, so that's why they woke him up..

You guys will be surprised to know how much Rayyan kutip duit raya.. Dont know whether he'll get the same amount ke tak next year.. Harap2 dapat la.. Muahahha.. Materialistic mama Rayyan nih.. Rasa kelakar when someone asked me, "Hmm.. Ni raya pertama Rayyan kat dunia nih kan??". Dalam hati, cam nk reply, "Kat dunia lain ade raya ke??"

P/s - This year, with Rayyan around, I dont think we can organize any makan-makan or open house.. But if anyone would like to pay us a visit, u guys are most welcomed! Just let me know k..