Monday, April 2, 2012

Jaga anak sendiri wehhh.. Jangan nak harap orang..

Yup, it's very true. Our children are our responsibility. Jangan nak harap Indon maid jaga pastu bebel bila anak jatuh!

I guess if we were to ask, all mothers definitely want to take care of their own children especially when you have a special needs child that demands lot of hard work in term of giving as much stimulation as possible. But not everyone are lucky enough to just quit their job and let their husband pay all the bills. 

Let me just roughly give some figure on how much the bills can be..

When Rayyan Ariff was born, he stayed in NICU for 45 days and went through 4 surgeries on his head. Total cost? RM96K++. Yea I know, we can already get a medium-cost apartment with that amount.

In 2010, when he needed to go for another surgery on his head, the cost was RM12k for just 3 nights stay. 

What about his monthly therapies? He goes for physiotherapy, speech therapy and occupational therapy every week. The cost is RM106 per session so per week is about RM318. Monthly? Yearly? Do your own math. 

Hmm.. What about his visit to the audiologist, ophthalmologist, immunologist, neurologist and what not? What about his medication? Epilim, Clonazepam. Co-enzyme, Piracetam, Neurogain, Vitamin C and Multivitamin, these drugs can easily cost us RM1.5K for one quarter.

What are his other basic things on top of the above and his monthly school fees of RM450? Oh yeah, his hearing aids that need to be serviced every 6 months would cost us around RM100 only. And his ear mold for the hearing aids cost us only RM90 per pair and it needs to be changed every 3 months. Not so much right? Wait, don't forget to add in the aids' batteries that cost RM20 per pack. Per pack can last for one week, still not so much right?? Hehehehe..

Hmm.. What about his special shoes? It's very cheap. Only RM700 per pair.. Wayyyy cheaper than all those designer bags.. Last year we bought it in August, and now, it's about time we get it change as he's growing pretty fast.. 

 Abang Rayyan pakai kasut mahal-mahal pun nangis, mama pakai kasut RM59.90 beli kat Bata je kot..

These are the rough estimation of his treatments, exclusive of the numerous hospital admissions that we have went through. Rayyan Ariff was born with congenital abnormalities, hence, no insurance company wants to cover his treatment. Unless it's accidental or for certain disease like dengue, then only we can claim for insurance.

 Bill Encik Abam kita yang singgah bermalam kat spital dari kul 9 malam smpi kul 5 petang esoknya.. Tak sampai sehari kot.. =P

Looking at the above, after spending money on the same, do you think we can afford a house and a car with just one-man-salary?? Honestly, in our case, no. My husband would die of high BP and hypertension if he had to fork out money for everything. 

Dah takde duit jangan la mengada nak gi spital swasta, dah habis spital kerajaan ke kat KL ni?? Tambah-tambah anak ko OKU, harus dapat free treatment.

Well, say what ever you want. But we're so blessed that our little miracle has come this far and the medic team had done a great job on Rayyan Ariff (of course with Allah's permission). Ini bukan nak kutuk gov hospital yea, even Rayyan Ariff's neuro surgeon was from HUKM before he joined Pantai.

My 6 months unpaid leave in 2009/2010 took a really big toll on our financial condition and we only managed to get back on our feet in 2011. But I never regret the hardship because it was the best 6 months ever that I got to be with my son 24/7, and of course, being stress-free from work related matters is always a blessing.. Hehehe..

How I wish one fine day, Mr Hubby can be the sole breadwinner for our family. InsyaAllah.. Sape tau dakk?? Hehehehe.. Bestnya jadi mem besar dok umah melingkar ngan anak-anak!!

Yup, I truly agree that only mother can take the best care of their children. But that doesn't mean that a mother could not go to  work and help her partner with the bills. 

Is it ironic that Rayyan Ariff fell off on Sunday, a usual day that I'm not working and not when I was at work? 

So, what was I'm doing when the boy fell off under the care of my maid?

Hmmm.. I was breastfeeding her;

My chomeylicious lil' princess.. :-)

P/s - Owh, entry di atas bukan untuk kira mengira yea.. Tak ada istilah berkira untuk seorang anak. Setengah orang mungkin akan kata, kesiannya orang ada anak istimewa, banyaknya belanja.. InsyaAllah, rezeki dari Allah SWT tidak pernah putus. Datangnya Rayyan Ariff membawa rezeki tersendiri.. Yang penting, mama dan ayah kena rajin dan ikhlas mencari.. :-)

Edited: *Entry di atas adalah dalam contact if I'm not working*. If you have read in some of my post before, I've mentioned that my company provides unlimited medical coverage. But not all the above expenses are covered. Sebagai contoh; Speech therapy? Tak cover, sebab katanya tak boleh bercakap adalah bukan penyakit. Hydrotherapy? Tak cover sebab not medically proven that it can help special needs children. Hearing aids, rollator, special shoes and other stuffs? Tak cover sebab benda2 alah ni considered as accessories.. Monthly visits to Audiologist? Pun tak cover sebab it's hearing aid related matters and the list of benda tak cover tu continues-lah.

And oh yea, sangat betul. Saya orang yang sangatlah suka show off sebab saya kaya meluap-luap. Because of my show-off attitude, I still drive my 2002 Perodua Kancil around.. Wahhh.. Dah seploh tahun umo Kancil mak! Ishhh.. Dah masuk darjah 4 dah pun.. ;-)


Syaz said...

xpe la bole la cakap apa dorg nak cakap...hanya jiey je yg tahu..jiey je yg hadap...semoga tabah..insyallah..Allah lebih mengetahui..:)

mama_kimey said...

jiey.. dulikkn ape org nk ckp..
mata yang memandang x akan sama dgn bahu yg memikul..

as long as kite dh buat yg terbaik...then, no regret

wanie_kashfi said...

Lebih dari setuju...demi yang terbaik untuk anak2, ibu2 perlu bekerja walaupun sangat berat hati nak tinggalkan anak-anak dibawah jagaan orang lain...moga abang rayyan cepat sembuh

jiey...waah...makin comel anak dara awk...hehehe...nnt buleh la gather2 pasni...

yatie chomeyl said...

oghe doa sokmo Allah kekalkan kesihatan untuk jiey & husband jiey so that boleh jag a abe Ian & rifa molek2 ;)

A.I said...

Alahai -_____-"

Anonymous said...

manusia mudah mengkritik tanpa fikir apa yang dilalui oleh org yang dikritik. sabar je la mama ian.hanya allah yang tahu pengorbanan yang telah dilakukan.

Lynn Abd Latib said...

This entry is too shut off others, im guess! !!
Definitely,semua ibu akn suka,rela jg ank msg2 kt rumah kalo hubby betul2 mampu utk tanggung sumer bil,liabiliti.
Dlm konteks jiey,working is must.medical treatment for ian is more than everything.nak hrpkan pg govt the queue list punya pjg,kalo k.lynn di tpt jiey rela juga kuar duit sndr as long as he will be treated well & when is needed most :-(
sabarlah jiey,they know nothing about ur journey.lets they talk,comment @ judge-Allah know very well & his planned is beyond our control.
Doa tulus dr seorg kawan,smg Allah kurnuakan 1001 kesabaran,kekuatan & kemurahan rezeki demi anak2.
Amin ya rabbal alamin.

Anonymous said...

to cut off some of the bills, i suggest he continue his follow up at gov hospital...

Mamanurin said...


insyallah, apa yang Jiey dan keluarga lalui, pasti akan ada balasan dari Allah, dunia dan akhirat.

transformed housewife said...

meme kalu ikut hati, nok jago anok2 sediri. Tapi mace Jiey royak, kalu sore kijo tok cukup duit tamboh2 utk Jiey hok ado specila Rayyan.

Mama Naveed said...

hehehehe.. bawak kerete kecik senang kan jiey.. boleh cilok2 selalu.. :D

ch@ said...

jiey bawa kancil je? oklah tu, bawa kreta besar dok sagat tiang. takde maknanya. kasut jiey tu pun lbh mahal drpd kita ok. kasut i 19.90 je. hahahaaaa.

kadang2 org ni tak phm kan jiey, cakap ikut suka hati je, tu la tak kena pada diri sendiri. kita nak yg terbaik utk anak, tak kisahlah bergolok bergadai sekalipun.

cayok jiey, kita menyokong jiey penuh2. huhuuu.

Rini said...

Salam, saya rase, walaupun kite dah percaya sangat dg pembatu rumah, demi keselamatan anak, jangan pernah bagi pembantu rumah untuk jaga anak kita sorang-sorang di luar rumah macam kat taman ker, kolam ker, jalan ker, etc, kena ada seseorang yang kita percaya untuk control dan monitor dari jauh, kite, adik, suami, parent or others. We dunno what might happen time pembantu rumah mesage2 ker or answering call or apelah. Kalau si Ibu dan Bapa bekerja full time dan tak de sape nak mintak tolong tengok-tengokkan, baik anak kat dalam rumah jer, lagi selamat rasanye. Itu yang sy rase lah, sebab sy agak paranoid siket dengan sape2 yang jaga anak sy huhuhuhu, kalau terpaksa hire part time baby sitter, sy pastikan yang baby sitter dan anak sy akan berada di rumah sahaja, tak boleh keluar dr rumah... Maybe some people may think that i am too paranoid...:(

rosejai said...

jiey, pecat je la bibik bangang tu..