Captured at 758am, earlier this morning.
A day before, he woke up at 5am and it has been few days that he seems restless at night.
Semalam paksa ayah dia bawak pergi Craniosacral Therapy with Aunty Jennifer. Dah few days bising sbnrnya, pagi semalam baru pegi. Dan petangnya, he slept for a good 2 hours (amazing sebab budak ni tak jenis tido siang, unless dia sakit).
Ingatkan malamnya akan tido lambat, sebab siang dh tido banyak. So purposely bawak masuk bilik lambat than usual, pukul 1030pm. To my surprise, tak lama lepas tu tido sampai lah ke pukul 8 lebih pg tadi.
Kisahnya di sini, kita ni kena alert dengan keperluan badan. Mana kurang mana perlu lebih, then seek the necessary help.
Kak Jiey kan, bersyukur banyak tuhan temukan and bukakkan hati with all of these body work therapies. Tanya akak yang 5 tahun dahulu, jawab dia, "No I dont believe in all of these nonsense.. Baik pergi spital aje lah.."
Yes, I was like that before. (Eh skrg pn ada lagi 30% like that..) Because we went through a lot. Like seriously a lot. So kami dah used to find comfort in doctors and hospitals.
Now, dah banyak berubah. Esp after seeing all the outcomes kan.. At times I even said to myself, eh kenapalah tak jumpa this therapy and that therapy masa Rayyan kecik2 dulu. Mesti dpt better result (we started going for alternative treatments masa Rayyan dah 5yo).
So now, just nk kabor dekat mak-mak yang sedang mencari rawatan dan terapi yang bersesuaian, if the kind of therapy yg kita jumpa tu dah wujud berrrrpuluh tahun, tapi bila kita google kata takde clinical study ke, takde scientific evidence ke, there's nothing wrong of giving it a try. Esp bila kita dengar good reviews from ppl around us.. Follow your instinct. Buat istikharah if takut. Kalau setakat scam nk menipu duit, takkan la deme wujud dan berkembang gitu gaya. Kan?
Teringat kisah 4 tahun lepas, rawatan alternatif pertama yg kami cuba was Stimulatherapy. Bergaduh lakibini dalam kereta weh otw ke tempat stimula. Yang suami bising, kalau jadi apa2 kat anak, awak tanggung dah nak sangat cuba. Yang bini jwb, eh apa pulak? Tak cuba tak tahu. Budak ni pn bukan makin elok sehari ke sehari. Awak nk tanggung? Gitu.
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